
Showing posts from January, 2014

Polar Panoramics

These are my two Polar Panorama examples. First I had to research the process of creating a Polar Panorama, before choosing a good location with an interesting horizon line. Similar to a spherical panorama, I took at least 10 photos moving left to right (all taken vertically) with a 10-15% overlap. After using PhotoMerge plugin in Photoshop and resizing to a square image, the next thing I did was rotate the entire image in a 180 degree turn so it was upside down. Then we applied the  Polar Coordinates filter. Steps to a Polar Panorama Make sure your battery is charged Make sure the horizon clearly distinguishes the sky and ground Take 10 vertical pictures of a horizon that overlap around 15% Edit all your pictures then change  your panorama into a square so you make the height the same size as the width Flip your your image 180 so it`s upside down  On one of my Polar Panoramas I had to add a picture of myself. I could not just add any old picture for

Spherical Panoramas

These are my two spherical panoramas that I created. First I had to take two different sets of 10 -15 images in a 360 degree rotation with a 10-15% overlap. The images were then edited using Adobe Camera Raw and compiled into a panoramic image using PhotoShop`s PhotoMerge plugin. Next, the rectangular 360 degree panorama was resized to be square and filtered using Polar Coordinates. Lastly, the final spherical panoramas were selected using the elliptical marque and feathered by refining the edge. A black or white background was applied before saving the finished composite image.

Magazine Cover

This is my finished magazine cover that I created in the Fall of 2013 at Kapa`a Middle School. I used digital cameras and Photoshop to create a multi-layered image that describes who I am. We had to first take a picture of ourselves and edit it in Adobe camera raw to make it look how we wanted it. We then used Adobe Photoshop to contour and color it. To start the actual magazine we had to choose a theme and we had to come up with 6 sub-titles. My theme was Fall and it was also a Halloween edition.