Words of Wisdom

For our G.T. project we had to do a project called "Elder Words of Wisdom". My group, Sheila and Kaylene, and I had to find someone that we knew who could possibly have some words of wisdom that he or she cold pass on to our class. We decided that Sheila's old karate Sensei Edmund Acoba would be perfect because he was also a Judge, and so he would be able to tell us how he manages to have two jobs. Before we were going to film our interview and b-roll we had to first create a story board which has all our interview questions, what we were going to film, ect. It took a while to finish our storyboard because we had to know where we were going to film and what we wanted to film. In the end we decided to go and film Mr. Acoba while he was teaching his karate class. Sheila and I only had to take one day to film because we filmed the b-roll and interview at once. I also had to do a voice-over for the interview. Kaylene edited our video like she always does.


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