practice story reflection

My teacher decided to have my class do a practice interview with a group. My group was made up of Kaylene, Sheila, and me. Our interview was called "Audrey Practices Painting". We had two days to film our interview and our b-roll. B-roll is when you film some extra parts that has to do with your interviewee that you can show while your interviewee is talking.

On our first day my group had to film our  b-roll. Well, we decided to go to our art teachers classroom to film me painting. It was a good thing our teacher didn't have a class that period. We had to film multiple different shots so the b-roll looked good. For our interview we decided to film yet again in the art room, but in the back room this time. We decided to have art isles in the back round because our interview was all about painting. For our interview shot it had to be rule of thirds.   

After we filmed our interview and b-roll we had to transcribe our interview. That means we had to write down word for word everything the interviewee says. Also we had to write down what our narrator should say and then we filmed her and put it as a voiceover. There was a lot of editing that had to be done because i messed up a lot on our interview. We had to cut some pieces. Also we had to make sure it was one to three minutes long. Ours wasn't very long at first so we had to add in some more b-roll to make it longer.


  1. I love the shot in the picture you put in this post!

  2. Your blog looks great Audrey! It looks really professional.
    How did you change the colors of your links.


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