
Showing posts from 2014

Metamorphosis Animation

The latest assignment that my class did was called Metamorphosis. We had to create a story where something or someone went through a change. My group ( Kaylene , Sheila , and Isabella ) and I took this literally. We made up a story where an ordinary rock has life and decides it isn't happy with the way it is. So we use stop-motion, photoshop, and claymation to show our little superstars adventure.The focus statement that we used was "Rock Alters Self". Our rock first starts out by finding a magical wand and he morphs itself into a little creature that has arms, legs, and a body. It accidentally drops the magical wand in shock and picks it back up and suddenly the rock is shrinking down into a blob and it then grows and forms into the shape of a girl, Isabella. Isabella is so shocked and happy a what she has accomplished and is finally what she's always wanted to be, human.  My class critiqued our video and we didn't do bad on it. We didn't have any Roo

Words of Wisdom

For our G.T. project we had to do a project called "Elder Words of Wisdom". My group, Sheila and Kaylene , and I had to find someone that we knew who could possibly have some words of wisdom that he or she cold pass on to our class. We decided that Sheila's old karate Sensei Edmund Acoba would be perfect because he was also a Judge, and so he would be able to tell us how he manages to have two jobs. Before we were going to film our interview and b-roll we had to first create a story board which has all our interview questions, what we were going to film, ect. It took a while to finish our storyboard because we had to know where we were going to film and what we wanted to film. In the end we decided to go and film Mr. Acoba while he was teaching his karate class. Sheila and I only had to take one day to film because we filmed the b-roll and interview at once. I also had to do a voice-over for the interview. Kaylene edited our video like she always does.

Five Tips For

In my G.T. class we had to do a "Five Tips" video and we decided to do our video and "Five Tips For Living Healthy". In my group was Sheila , Kaylene , and Kaya. We used this topic because it was easy enough to film it all at school. Our five tips were to exercise more often, meditating, eating healthy, relaxing, and getting more sleep. I think that we could have made sure there was no more camera movement. Also we could have done the voice over so it was more clear to make our video better.

Profile Project Progress

In our project my group, Kaylene Iloreta and Sheila Blum, decided to interview Edmund Acoba who is a fifth circuit family court judge as well as a Karate sensei. We wanted to find out how hard it is to manage two different jobs. And what better place to interview him than where he was actually teaching a class. Now why would we do this? Why him?  Well, Sheila took a karate class about a year ago and thats how we knew him. Also we wanted people to know that it might be very difficult, but its possible to manage two different jobs. For our interview we had to make sure there was no background noise to mess up the interview. We also had to make sure our interview shot was rule of thirds, and we had to be able to see his whole face. B-roll was another important part of our interview. We wanted to get video of Edmund teaching his class. While shooting we used the basic three shot sequence, wide, medium and close. Our team works pretty good together, but I think maybe we could plan bette

Practice Profile Story

For our practice story my class had to divide into groups of three. The purpose of this practice story was to give us practice for when we did our real interview. We needed practice on adding b-roll and voice overs. My group consisted of Kaylene Iloreta , Sheila Blum and myself. Our groups had to choose oneperson out of our group to do the interview on. We were already doing a new project we had just started in art and that made it easier to decide what to do our video about. They decided to interview me on art and why I take it in school and what I like about it. I didn't really want this video to be about me but Sheila nor Kaylene wanted to be on camera.

Composition Techniques

There are 14 different types of composition techniques. The main four are rule of thirds, framing unusual angles, and leading lines. Rule of thirds is when a photographer uses imaginary lines and places the points of interest on the lines. So the main subject therefore is off center. Using the rule of thirds adds interest to the shot. Framing is when you use a natural surrounding to frame your shot to make it more interesting. Unusual angles is when you shoot from a different angle like from below and shooting up or above and shooting down. Lastly, leading lines is when you use natural surroundings and have some sort of lines leading to your main subject.

Three Shot Sequences

   Most people use three shot sequencing to help create unique shots that add interest to any type of show. A sequence is a series of 3 camera shots that are usually following the rule of wide, medium, close, or extreme close. Each shot is usually about 10 seconds each. Sequencing also is a great way of showing an action. Sequencing also shows a lot more in a shorter amount of time so you can add more things.

All About Me

Hi everyone Im Audrey Garrison. I was born on January 17, 2000. I am 14 years old and I have a younger brother who is 12 years old. I moved to Kauai at the end of my 6th grade year. My dad is in the Army so I have lived in many different places in the United States. So I was born on Maui and then we moved to Georgia when I was about 2 years old and my baby brother was born, then we moved to the very cold Fairbanks, Alaska. For about a year my mother, brother, and I moved to California with my family while my dad was away then we went back to Alaska. Im happy and sad sometimes when we move because if we didn't move to Alaska I never would have got my dog Roxy, and if we didn't move to Oregon I never would have my my best friends Shania and Joseph. I really like living here on Kauai because i met a lot of great people like my best friends Sheila, Kaylene, Claudia, Nevaeh, and so many more. I love hanging out with them at school and on the weekends. I love reading books, my

practice story reflection

My teacher decided to have my class do a practice interview with a group. My group was made up of Kaylene, Sheila, and me. Our interview was called "Audrey Practices Painting". We had two days to film our interview and our b-roll. B-roll is when you film some extra parts that has to do with your interviewee that you can show while your interviewee is talking. On our first day my group had to film our  b-roll. Well, we decided to go to our art teachers classroom to film me painting. It was a good thing our teacher didn't have a class that period. We had to film multiple different shots so the b-roll looked good. For our interview we decided to film yet again in the art room, but in the back room this time. We decided to have art isles in the back round because our interview was all about painting. For our interview shot it had to be rule of thirds.    After we filmed our interview and b-roll we had to transcribe our interview. That means we had to write down word

Polar Panoramics

These are my two Polar Panorama examples. First I had to research the process of creating a Polar Panorama, before choosing a good location with an interesting horizon line. Similar to a spherical panorama, I took at least 10 photos moving left to right (all taken vertically) with a 10-15% overlap. After using PhotoMerge plugin in Photoshop and resizing to a square image, the next thing I did was rotate the entire image in a 180 degree turn so it was upside down. Then we applied the  Polar Coordinates filter. Steps to a Polar Panorama Make sure your battery is charged Make sure the horizon clearly distinguishes the sky and ground Take 10 vertical pictures of a horizon that overlap around 15% Edit all your pictures then change  your panorama into a square so you make the height the same size as the width Flip your your image 180 so it`s upside down  On one of my Polar Panoramas I had to add a picture of myself. I could not just add any old picture for

Spherical Panoramas

These are my two spherical panoramas that I created. First I had to take two different sets of 10 -15 images in a 360 degree rotation with a 10-15% overlap. The images were then edited using Adobe Camera Raw and compiled into a panoramic image using PhotoShop`s PhotoMerge plugin. Next, the rectangular 360 degree panorama was resized to be square and filtered using Polar Coordinates. Lastly, the final spherical panoramas were selected using the elliptical marque and feathered by refining the edge. A black or white background was applied before saving the finished composite image.

Magazine Cover

This is my finished magazine cover that I created in the Fall of 2013 at Kapa`a Middle School. I used digital cameras and Photoshop to create a multi-layered image that describes who I am. We had to first take a picture of ourselves and edit it in Adobe camera raw to make it look how we wanted it. We then used Adobe Photoshop to contour and color it. To start the actual magazine we had to choose a theme and we had to come up with 6 sub-titles. My theme was Fall and it was also a Halloween edition.